Certbot Stuff
To certify a new site/host:
certbot --apache --expand -d host.domain -d newhost.domain -d newdomain
The "expand" is the trick, just use the -d indicators to tag on the new whatever.
(Note that on LNX2 we're going to want certbot --nginx ...
Migrating off of an old server and need certbot to not renew certs? First find the correct name with:
certbot certificates
And then:
certbot delete --cert-name host.domain
Listening Ports
sudo ss -atpu
rclone (formerly S3CMD) Stuff
We just (mid March 2023) changed S3CMD over to rclone, which works faster and with less noise.
Directory listing:
rclone ls Linode:
Yes, we capitalized the name of the store. This may become annoying some day, but for now it keeps us on our toes and it's not worth fussing with it now. We've left the bin/s3sync script in place so as not to have to update the crontab and the old s3cmd entries are there, just commented out.